
Imam of Odesa Sheikh Ilyas Umarov congratulated Muslims on the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan

The beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan

This period of obligatory Muslim fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the foundations of the religion, sacred to every believer. The other four pillars are the five daily prayers (namaz), the acknowledgment that there is no god but Allah (shahada), the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), and the annual tax (zakat).

In 2022, the holy month begins at sunset on April 1 and ends on May 1. The next day, May 2, believers celebrate the holiday of fasting - Uraza Bayram.

From the point of view of tradition and religion, it is correct to start fasting on the evening of April 1, at sunset. All the rules of strict fasting come into effect at dark. According to the same principle, the fast should end - with sunset on May 2, when Muslims gather in mosques for collective prayer.

The holiday of breaking the fast ("Id al-Fitr" in Arabic, and "Uraza Bayram" in Turkic) is much more long-awaited for a religious Muslim than his own birthday. He, like a bell, announces that a person has coped with the most difficult test in the name of God. Uraza is the second most important Muslim celebration after Kurban Bayram, the holiday of sacrifice, which coincides with the last day of the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Before the end of Ramadan, they begin to prepare in advance: a major cleaning of the house and yard is carried out, people prepare festive dishes and put on their best clothes. Giving alms is considered an obligatory ritual. This compensates for mistakes that a person may have made during fasting. At the same time, they donate either money or food.

The essence of Ramadan

Ramadan is first mentioned in the Quran. According to the text, "one should fast for a number of days." By the way, it was in this month that the holy book of Muslims was sent.

Fasting in Islam is one of the strictest among all world religions. The main prohibition involves refusing to eat food and even water during daylight hours. To be more precise, you can't drink from suhoor to iftar.

Suhoor is the first meal. It is desirable to have breakfast before the first signs of dawn, when the morning dawn is not yet visible. They believe that Suhoor should be done as early as possible, then Allah will reward the believer.

Iftar is the second and last meal. Dinner should be taken after the evening prayer, when the sun has disappeared over the horizon.

Previously, the time of suhoor and iftar was determined in each family, or in the mosque, where the time of breakfast and dinner was traditionally posted. But now the Internet has come to the aid of Muslims. You can check Suhoor and Iftar times according to local time on various websites.

What can and cannot be done in Ramadan

The most obvious prohibition during the month of Ramadan involves abstaining from food and water, but in addition, Muslims are prohibited during daylight hours from:

• smoke or sniff tobacco, including hookah smoking,
• swallow any sputum that gets into the mouth, as this is already considered drinking,
• specifically provoke vomiting.
At the same time, Muslims are allowed to fast:
• take medication through injections (including vaccination),
• take a bath (provided that the water does not get into the mouth),
• kiss (but no more),
• brush your teeth (of course, you can't swallow water),
• swallow saliva,
• donate blood.

Accidentally putting food or water in the mouth is not considered a violation of the fast.

It is important to remember that during the holy month it is sinful to violate the main prohibitions of religion. Islam does not accept the consumption of alcohol and pork, regardless of whether it is done during the day or at night.

Pregnant and lactating women, minors, the elderly and the sick are exempt from observing Ramadan. Moreover, patients are understood not only to have ulcers, but also to people with mental disorders. Travelers who are on a long journey can also eat and drink in Ramadan. But they must then make up all the missed fasting days.


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