
Elina Svitolina became a mother for the first time

The man was present during the birth

A daughter was born today to the Ukrainian tennis player and her husband, the Frenchman Gael Monfils.

The happy father said that his daughter was born at 6 am on October 15, 2022.

“I had the most amazing night of my life, which ended with the most wonderful gift around 6am. Elina was strong and brave. I thank my wife and God for this special moment. Welcome to the world my little princess SKAÏ,” Monfils wrote. on his Instagram page.

"What a night! Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Skaï Monfils. I can't help but thank my husband for experiencing this unforgettable moment with me," the star wrote, posting a photo of a happy family.


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