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In Britain, they began testing a vaccine against the coronavirus

In Britain, they began testing a vaccine against the coronavirus on people. It will be tested on 50 volunteers aged 18 to 55.

Как пишет The Guardian, the vaccine was developed by the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

It is interesting that some of the volunteers have already received a dose of the new drug. During testing, experts will pay special attention to the effectiveness and reaction of the body to the drug.

The company notes that the drug under the working name AZD7442 is a combination of two antibodies that were produced by identical immune cells.

"These tests represent an important stage of work in the development of our combination of identical antibodies for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19", — the vice president of the biopharmaceutical research company Mene Pangalos told journalists.

He specified that such a set of antibodies with the technology of extending the half-life can reduce the chances of the virus's resistance.


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