Show business

"Black Square" brings the most scandalous performance to Odessa

The Kiev performance "Black Square" is taking its scandalous performance called "You Can't Ruin Friendship With Sex" to Odessa.

As it says in the annotation to the play: "It happens that you live with a person in the same hallway for decades, and you could have... but you didn't. You go to him in a neighborly way, and here...
And it happens like this: you lie in bed with a person and think that you have love, but it turns out to be friendship
In fact, the performance is stories from the project "Before and After Sex", but not simple, but friendly. When people have known each other for many years, and it happens to them by chance or fate!
How is it? Why only now? Why is this necessary? And what to do with it?
The play gives answers to all these questions and of course raises new ones.
Hot and sexy comedy for adults, with a lyrical slant.
Love stretched over time and sex found years later.

Tickets for the performance are available buy here


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