
Starting from September 6, Belarus will make it easier for Ukrainian mushroom pickers to cross the border

From 06.00:20.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX and the mandatory return of citizens to the territory of Ukraine on the same day

From September 6, citizens of Ukraine, residents of border settlements of the Rivne region, will be able to cross the Belarusian-Ukrainian border to collect wild berries and mushrooms. This is reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine.

The simplified entry of persons into the territory of the Belarusian republican landscape reserve "Olman Marshes" will be valid until November 15.

Border guards will carry out check-in operations daily from 06.00:20.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX with mandatory return of citizens to the territory of Ukraine on the day of border crossing.

In particular, temporary places of simplified border crossing will be organized at three checkpoints:

  • "Poznan" - for residents of the settlements of Poznan, Glynnoe, Obsych, Dubno, Khmel;
  • "Berezovoe" - for residents of Zabolotye, Hrabun, Berezovoe, Glynnoe, Dubno, Khmel settlements;
  • "Drozdyn" - for residents of Staroe Selo, Drozdyn, Zabolotye.

To cross the border, citizens need to have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, a certificate from the village executive committee with a pasted photo and signature of the head of the village council with a stamp of the pass issued by the border service of Belarus, as well as a personal receipt for payment for visiting the republican landscape reserve "Olman Swamps".

It will be possible to cross the border only on foot or by bicycle. Passing of persons based on a passport document in the format of an ID card will not be carried out.


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