
The Ministry of Defense announced smart mobilization in Ukraine


Application in two clicks

The Ministry of Defense announced smart mobilization in Ukraine. You can apply for mobilization in two clicks. About this in the interview "Army Inform" said Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernogorenko.

"The next stage is the ability to apply for mobilization in two clicks: 'I want to become a drone operator', 'I want to become an artilleryman', etc." she said.

The deputy head of the Ministry of Defense noted that protecting the homeland is the constitutional duty of every citizen and emphasized that a recruiting approach is very important in the issue of mobilization.

According to her, it is the recruiting approach that is important, because when a person will understand his entire route in the army and will be able to control it by his own choice, then the question of electronic summonses, the very fact of their existence, will disappear by itself.

"I believe that a person should be able to mobilize or sign a contract with a commander that he or she trusts. This is targeted recruiting. Civilian analogy: when employers fight for the best students after graduation." — she added.

Chernogorenko noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine is currently the largest employer in the country and it can fight for the best people from civilian life "and then we will become even faster and more technological."

"By the way, the army is now quite fed up with civilian expertise, civilian habits, civilian culture. People from large companies serve in the army. Yes, I have a military man on my team who returned from California where he was building startups. He simply got on a plane, returned to Ukraine and was mobilized in the 47th brigade. And that's all. Nothing more can be said here. This is an example of how civilians enrich the army. And this enrichment must be "caught", - she remarked.

We remind you On April 2, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed the law on lowering the maximum age of citizens on the military registration of conscripts from 27 to 25 years. In addition, the status of "limited suitability" for military service was canceled in Ukraine. Conscripts who have this status must pass a military medical examination.

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