
Fierce clashes between local drug cartels and the army took place in Mexico

Deadly riots have gripped the Mexican state following the arrest of the son of notorious Mexican drug lord El Chapo.

Ovidio Guzmán-López, himself the leader of his father's former cartel, was captured in Culiacan and transferred to Mexico City.

Angry gang members set up roadblocks, set fire to cars and attacked the local airport.

In the city of Culiacan, a real war began between the drug cartel, local security forces and the military, who were called in to help. Some streets were blocked by burning cars.

The battle began on January 5 and lasted 12 hours. As a result of the shootout, the drug lord's fighters attacked two planes and killed three members of the security forces. At least 29 people were injured, 10 were killed.

The cartel stole more than 250 cars and paralyzed the operation of three airports in the state of Sinaloa. However, the army still managed to detain the criminals and transport their leader to Mexico City.

More than 100 flights were canceled at three airports in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.


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