
New rules for dispensing fuel at WOG gas stations

At the WOG gas station, the limits of fuel leave for customers are increased to 40 liters per day, but only in the car tank. That is, you can't pour into canisters. This was reported in the WOG press service on Facebook.

According to the new rules, which come into force on June 3, the following limits are established:

  • 20 liters of fuel per day - in case of cash payment or payment by bank card, provided there is a phone number to which the PRIDE loyalty card is registered.
  • 40 liters of fuel per day - in case of cash payment or payment by bank card, in the presence of PRIDE using the QR code of this program. You can download the PRIDE program to your phone and register there at any time.
  • 40 liters of fuel per day — when purchasing fuel purchased in advance using the PRIDE wallet.

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