
Theater on Nezhinskaya invites you to a pre-premiere showing of a new play

The Odessa Theater on Nezhinskaya invites Odessa residents and guests of the city to a closed pre-premiere showing of the new play "The Innocent Seducer." The performance will take place on September 24 at 19:00.

"The Innocent Seducer" is a lyrical comedy about love in one act.

The main character has everything stable. Does not drink, does not smoke. He is married to a woman he fell in love with when he was 16. Proud of his children. He has a small but stable business. All good. Scheduled work. Rest according to the schedule. Friends by schedule. After all, sex is on schedule.

And here he is already 45. And he understands that life has passed by. And he decides to go "into everything difficult".

And life, it turns out, did not go anywhere. She is here, nearby. You just had to look around...

Starring: Oleg Shevchuk, Alena Nagaeva, Olga Sayapina, Nadezhda Mashukova.

Director and producer: Oleg Shevchuk


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