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In Turkey, the oxygen device of a patient with coronavirus exploded: there are dead

In the hospital of the Turkish city of Gaziantep in the south of the country, the oxygen device of a patient with coronavirus exploded

In the hospital of the Turkish city of Gaziantep in the south of the country, the oxygen device of a patient with coronavirus exploded, as a result of which eight people died.

It is reported Anadolu.

Thus, the explosion occurred in the intensive care unit for patients with Covid-19 at the Gaziantep University Hospital. Exact data on the victims are not given. It is now known that seven people died as a result of the explosion. Another one died during transfer to another hospital. The age of the victims ranges from 56 to 85 years.

In a Turkish hospital, the oxygen device of a patient with coronavirus exploded, people died. Photo:
In a Turkish hospital, the oxygen device of a patient with coronavirus exploded, people died. Photo:

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