More than one and a half thousand residents of the Gagarinsky Plateau in Odessa may remain without heating this winter

Due to the arbitrariness of the previous balance holder

Two years ago, local residents of Gagarinsky Plateau 5/2 created their OSMD. Everything would be fine, but, according to the residents, the previous balance holder housing and construction cooperative "Prestige VII" is threatening them. They say, without them, people will not be able to heat their apartments.

Representatives of the cooperative claim that the boiler houses are their property, so it is they who should heat the houses in the coming heating season. But the tenants deny that these boilers and their equipment belong to all the tenants "by right of joint ownership as common property of the house."

Despite this, representatives of the cooperative deceived the employees of "Odessagaz", told them that the maintenance of the house at 5/2 Gagarinskoye plateau was their responsibility.

Due to the current situation, the residents of the house on Gagarinsky Plateau 5/2 walk in a vicious circle: their OSMD cannot conclude a contract with the supplier of blue fuel, because "Odessagaz" refuses to conclude a gas distribution agreement with OSMD, they say, they have an existing contract with "Prestige VII".

In addition to letters to "Odessagaz", the residents of the Gagarin Plateau appealed to the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the fields of energy and communal services, as well as to people's deputies from "Servants of the People".

Meanwhile, in less than a month, the heating season will begin in Odessa. Ego was tentatively scheduled for November 1.

Such a situation threatens that more than 1 citizens may remain without heating this winter. Among the residents of the house on Gagarinsky Plateau 500/5 are children, elderly people, and ATO veterans.

In order to attract the public to their problem, on Wednesday, October 13, in the press center "Odessit", on Pushkinskaya 32, a conference of residents of the house on Gagarinsky plateau 5/2 will be held. People will talk about the arbitrariness of the previous balance holder. Team EliteExpert on its part, it prepared a request to JSC "Odessagaz" to clarify the situation.


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