
Poland will vaccinate workers from Ukraine right at the border

Ukrainians will receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which requires only one injection.

Citizens of Ukraine who go to Poland to work will be vaccinated against the coronavirus at the border with the Johnson & Johnson drug, which requires only one injection. He writes about it virtual Poland.

"This will be a kind of filter against the introduction of the coronavirus from the outside. We are already fixing a few infected every day at our checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. People who come to work in Poland should also be vaccinated, which will strengthen our protection," said the head of the medical center in Ryaševo, Professor Stanislav Mazur.

According to him, Ukrainians will receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was chosen because for vaccination it is necessary to introduce only one dose, whereas for vaccination with other vaccines, the introduction of the second dose is mandatory.

The use of this drug will avoid possible complications when organizing the administration of the second dose.

"We received many signals from employers that they want such vaccinations. Companies hiring foreigners for construction and seasonal work fear an outbreak of the coronavirus, which will subsequently block work. We are waiting for the ordered doses and immediately after that we will start vaccinations," said Mazur.

He did not name the exact date when the vaccination could begin.

The publication notes that the J&J vaccine is one of the most sought-after among Poles, but it is still difficult to obtain, as the manufacturer has reduced supplies by 450 doses.

The Ministry of Health of Poland reports that any foreigner can be vaccinated in the country: students, scientists, people who have a work permit, as well as spouses and children of foreigners.

"Nobody needs a permanent residence permit for vaccination. Vaccinations in Poland are available to everyone: insured and uninsured persons, Polish citizens and foreigners," said the press secretary of the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz.

The Ministry of Health has published vaccination guides in Ukrainian and Russian on its website.

"The primary care physician has the right and must issue a referral for vaccination through the application: When issuing a referral, he/she uses a passport number or a foreign identity document instead of a PESEL number," the message says.


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