Law and justice

Meta-business right at the bus stop: the police caught the "pawnbroker" (video)

The man faces four to eight years in prison.

The police caught a man with 14 bags of methadone at a public transport stop in the Malinovsky district. This was reported in the press service of the GUNP.

He turned out to be a 46-year-old man from Odessa. He was caught at the moment of placing a "parcel" at a public transport stop.

He hid real treasures at home: in his apartment, the police found more than 200 packages, which he wanted to sell with the help of bookmarks on the streets of the city.

The man explained that he wanted to make money, so he ordered methadone in bulk on the Internet and packaged it into doses.

He faces from four to eight years in prison for his initiative.


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