
The cyber police exposed a fraudulent call center that embezzled more than UAH 5 million

Cyber ​​police

The organizer of the call center, a 40-year-old citizen of Ukraine, was exposed during an international police operation together with law enforcement officers of the State of Israel. About this reported the Cyber ​​police of Ukraine.

Law enforcement officers note that the perpetrators called potential victims, posing as bank representatives or police officers. People were assured that outsiders had gained access to their bank accounts and were planning to embezzle the money. To "save" savings, people were offered to withdraw cash on their own and hand it over to a so-called "courier" from the bank, after which they promised to deposit the money into a "safe account."

In this way, the participants embezzled more than 5 million hryvnias.

Cyber ​​police

The police searched the organizer's home and stopped the fraudulent call center.

At the same time, searches were carried out in the territory of the State of Israel, where two men were detained, who performed the function of "couriers".

Cyber ​​police

According to this fact, a criminal proceeding has been opened under Part 3 of Art. 190 (Fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides up to eight years of imprisonment. Investigations are ongoing.

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