
DPSU plans to purchase food kits for 32 million hryvnias, the expiration date of which has already expired by 50%

The planned purchase of food kits for almost 32 million hryvnias raises serious doubts and suspicions about transparency and legality.

The State Border Service of Ukraine (SPSU) plans to spend UAH 31,9 million on the purchase of food kits for its units. The relevant tender No. UA-2024-07-15-004363-a, posted on Prozorro, has already caused mixed reactions due to the low quality of the proposed products and a possible corruption conspiracy.

According to the information provided in the tender documentation, DPSU intends to purchase 116 daily field food kits (DPNP) for this amount. At the same time, it is noted that the shelf life of the products in the sets at the time of delivery must be at least 10 months, and all components must have a shelf life of 12 months. Instead, the DPSU requires that the components be manufactured according to certain DSTU, according to which the shelf life of these components must be 24 months. It seems that DPSU is deliberately reducing the shelf life of components and thus has already decided on the future supplier by its requirements.

According to the delivery schedule, the border service plans to receive 48 DPNP in August, 36 in September and 24 in October. This may also indicate that the procurement is organized for a specific participant, who already has 48 ready DPNPs in stock for the first delivery. Also, such a volume for the first month of supply makes it difficult for other companies to participate in the tender, since the production of only the components for these sets requires a minimum of 10-14 days due to the specifics of the production process, and it also takes a certain amount of time to pack the DPNPs themselves.

According to the available information, this public procurement is organized under the LLC "Olympius Consult" (a company from Dnipro, the owner and manager of which is Toroshchyn Mykhailo Volodymyrovych), which has in its warehouses the necessary remains of DPNP, the expiration date of which has expired by half, that is, it is 50% of the minimum period suitability determined by the Ministry of Defense.

Suspicion of competitive collusion

Moreover, studies of previous purchases of the DPNP indicate a possible collusion between the DPSU and various suppliers of dry rations. We are talking about two more companies - "Fabryka Smaku" LLC and "Grant Consult" LLC, which constantly appear in tenders together with "Olympius Consult" LLC. For example, in 2023, through the Prozoro system, two large direct contracts for the purchase of DPNP and PNSP were concluded with "Olympius Consult" LLC (UA-2023-05-20-000459-a and UA-2023-05-20-000450-a ), which raises suspicions about the lack of real competition and transparency in conducting tenders.

Problems with the quality of products and the risk of masquerading as other companies

The fact that the products planned to be purchased is particularly worrying was not accepted before Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The reason for this is that in December 2023, LLC "Olympius Consult" could not fulfill the conditions for the supply of DPNP within the framework of the procurement procedure UA-2023-11-15-007166-a, which forced the state customer to terminate the relevant contract.

In addition, there is a great risk that those involved in this case may try to cover up their activities by entering the tender on behalf of another company with a different name. However, in fact, we will be talking about the same low-quality products that were previously not accepted by the Ministry of Defense, and they will again try to supply them to the border guards. It is worth noting that in this tender, the DPSU does not require any document on quality and safety, which does not make it possible to trace the expiration date of the DPNP and its manufacturer in the public space. 

Thus, the planned purchase of food kits for almost 32 million hryvnias raises serious doubts and suspicions about the transparency and legality of this process, which requires a thorough check of this purchase and potential tender participants in order to avoid possible abuses on the part of the DPSU. 


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