
In Italy, a 13th-century castle was arrested in the NABU case


The Italian Financial Guard has seized a castle belonging to a businessman of Russian origin as part of the criminal proceedings of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. About this said Specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office.

A castle worth 41 million euros in Florence was recognized as material evidence in the case of the assignment of more than $60 million in damages to PJSC "State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine".

According to the investigation, the owner of the castle is involved in a corruption scheme, according to which the grain of the corporation was delivered to Saudi Arabia through several intermediaries. The delivery was made on the terms of payment in arrears, but DPZKU never received the money.

Source: NABU

NABU established that the castle was purchased for part of this money.

It is about the Torre del Gallo castle of the 13th century, which belongs to Oleksiy Fedorychev, the newspaper writes Florentine courier.

In 2018, NABU declared Fedorychev wanted, and the court seized the real estate of the TIS-Mindobriva company and the funds of the TIS-Zerno company, which belonged to the businessman.

NSDC sanctions were imposed against Fedorychev. In May 2020, sanctions against the entrepreneur were lifted following a presidential decree, and in October 2022, the businessman of Russian origin again found himself under the sanctions of Ukraine - for commercial activities in economic sectors that provide a significant source of income for the Russian government.

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