
Judges will be able to receive up to UAH 42 in additional payments


The Parliamentary Committee on Legal Policy recommended that the Parliament adopt as a basis draft law No. 12244-1 on special supplements to the official salary of judges of the first instance. Provided that the judge falls under certain criteria, he will be able to receive up to UAH 42 in additional payments to his salary. In total, the deputies propose to establish three types of surcharges.

In 10, all judges of local courts should receive the first - unconditional - supplemental payment of UAH 510, subject to the adoption of this draft law.  

In addition, the authors of the draft law propose that in 2025 a local court judge be paid a monthly supplement of UAH 10, if such a judge administers justice in a local court in which the average number of days required for consideration of cases and materials received in the previous reporting quarter , exceeds the average indicator for Ukraine, determined by the DSA in accordance with the indicators of the average duration of consideration of court cases, recommended by the decision of the Supreme Council of Justice No. 510/3237/0-15 dated November 20, 24.11.2020. That is, it will be a special surcharge for overtime.

The list of such local courts is approved on a quarterly basis by a decision of the Council of Judges of Ukraine upon the submission of the DSA and with the agreement of the VRP.

In addition, it is proposed to establish that in 2025 a judge will be paid one of these special allowances on a monthly basis under the following conditions:

  • UAH 21 - if such a judge administers justice in a court located in the territories of active hostilities, for which the date of the end of hostilities has not been determined, included in the list of territories on which hostilities are (were) conducted or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, approved in the established Cabinet of order;
  • or UAH 10 – if such a judge administers justice in a court located in the territories of possible hostilities.

Thus, a judge who works in the territory of active hostilities, if the average number of proceedings in his court is exceeded, will be able to receive 42 hryvnias of additional payment.

We will remind that the "bare" official salary of a judge currently amounts to UAH 63.

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