
The United States has about $1 billion left to replenish its weapons stockpile, the White House said

The US may soon have to choose between funding its defense and helping its allies

The United States has about $1 billion left for its own security, so the United States may soon have to choose between funding its defense and helping allies. This was stated by the head of the administration and budget department of the White House Shalanda Young in an interview CBS.

"In terms of the budget, we have about a billion dollars left to replenish our own reserves. So it comes down to a political decision. Are we risking our own US readiness as the world becomes more complex? Or will Congress ensure that we can protect our own national security while supporting our allies like Ukraine? It shouldn't be an either-or, Congress should do what it has done several times — fund our own national security and make sure we're ready to support our allies." Yang said.

In addition, she emphasized that most of the money for aid to Ukraine will remain in the United States, as the American defense industrial base will receive these funds for the production of more equipment, weapons, and ammunition, which in turn means an increase in jobs in America.

In addition, she noted that not providing aid to Ukraine also affects US national security.

"What will happen if Putin marches through Ukraine, what will happen next? NATO countries, our sons and daughters risk becoming part of a larger conflict. And not only Putin, other dictators are watching what Congress is doing," — emphasized Yang.

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