
The Law on deferment for relatives of those killed at the front was signed


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law that restores the postponement of mobilization for brothers and sisters of Ukrainians who died at the front or went missing. This is stated in cards draft law.

Previously, this norm was removed from the text of the draft law on mobilization.

The law restores the deferment of military service during mobilization for conscripts whose close relatives, including a natural (consanguineous, non-consanguineous) brother or sister, were killed or went missing while participating in hostilities during martial law.

In the previous version of Art. 23 of the law on mobilization stated that conscripts whose close relatives died or went missing are not subject to military service during mobilization.

However, subsequent amendments to this article removed the word "non-native".

The families of the victims, who were in such a situation, called for the return of the previous wording of Art. 23 in the clause about those who are not subject to mobilization, "relative (consanguineous, non-consanguineous) brother or sister."

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