
Clashes between Iranian border guards and the Taliban began on the border of Iran and Afghanistan

An armed clash took place between the Afghan Taliban and the Iranians on the border. Several dead and wounded are reported on both sides.

The Taliban used manpower and armored vehicles to attack an Iranian border base. One of the leaders stated that "they will conquer Iran if the jihad elders allow it."

What is known:

  • The Taliban say Iranian soldiers opened fire first, while the Iranian side says the Taliban attacked their checkpoint.
  • As a result of the clashes, 2 Iranian border guards and 1 person from the Taliban forces were killed.
  • According to the Taliban, they destroyed 18 Iranian border structures and captured a military base in Nimruz province.

The clash follows a warning from Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi this month that he demanded the Taliban not violate Iran's water rights in the Helmand River. He also accused the Afghan Taliban rulers of violating a 1973 treaty by restricting the flow of water from the river to Iran's arid eastern regions. The Taliban rejected the accusation.


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