
More than a year of secret negotiations between Britain and Russia, media

More than a year of secret negotiations between Britain and Russia

Over the past 18 months, British officials have been holding diplomatic talks with key Kremlin officials on global security amid the war in Ukraine. It is reported Sky News.

Secret meetings took place in various locations, such as Vienna or New York, as part of behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts. Discussions touched on security issues affecting Britain as well as the international community, including grain shortages and nuclear safety.

Referring to newspaper I, it is noted that Britain did not conduct any active peace negotiations aimed at a diplomatic settlement of the war on the territory of Ukraine. The information was also confirmed by a high-ranking British diplomat who participated in some of these meetings.

"We maintain contact and believe that it is very important to maintain an open dialogue during the war in Ukraine. We are in no way dividing parts of the country or making peace agreements on behalf of anyone, but it is vital to keep this line of contact open,” he added.

A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development told the newspaper I that meetings with officials allegedly and indeed took place, but only when they were "absolutely necessary." In particular, he rejected any claims that the discussions touched on negotiations on ending the war on the territory of Ukraine.

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