
Palliative care: expert advice for supporting seriously ill patients from the "Our Care" center

When people and their families are faced with serious illnesses, palliative care can improve quality of life.

Many people who face serious illnesses in their lives go through serious trials. Palliative medical care allows you to save a person from torment, pain and suffering, which often accompany such serious diseases as oncology or stroke. Methods of palliative treatment are aimed not only at the patient, but also provide adequate assistance to his relatives and friends. The main goal of such treatment is to improve the quality of a person's life as much as possible until the very end.

"Nasha Turbota" physical rehabilitation center is ready to help patients with serious diseases, relieve painful symptoms and give them a chance for a dignified life, - says Oleksiy Yablonskyi, medical director of the center. — A complex disease that came into your relative's life and cannot be treated medically, should not become a sentence for him. Palliative care helps to fill the last days of a person's life with peace, tranquility and comfort."

Palliative treatment is provided in various medical institutions and organizations on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Outpatient care is used if the patient does not need round-the-clock medical assistance and there is no need for complex treatment. The main principles of such treatment are ethics, morality, humanity and respectful treatment of the patient and his relatives. The main goal of palliative care is to effectively relieve the patient of negative symptoms, such as severe pain.

"Palliative care is necessary in the presence of insufficiency of one or another organ in the decompensation stage, in oncology, in incurable diseases in the terminal stage, after severe consequences of a stroke, serious injuries, diseases of the nervous system in the late stages and various forms of dementia," explains Yablonsky.

our concern

Palliative care for the elderly at the "Nasha Turbota" center helps relieve the elderly from pain through drug therapy and helps them live their last days comfortably.

When people and their families are faced with serious illnesses and their irreversible consequences, palliative care can improve the quality of life not only for the patients themselves, but also for those who care for them. 

"Faced with life-threatening diseases, many people withdraw into themselves, suffer pain and surrender to the disease, depriving themselves and their loved ones of a normal life," concludes the doctor. "Allow your loved one to live the time allotted to him in peace and comfort."


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