One of the most common and most dangerous diseases affecting the vessels of the human brain is a stroke. According to statistics, men are most prone to stroke. It is important to pay attention to the first harbingers of this dangerous disease, which can help save a person's life.
"A stroke in men has certain features, - says Oleksiy Yablonskyi, medical director of the "Nasha Turbota" center. "Symptoms of a stroke in men can be different, and the most important thing is to pay attention to the first symptoms."
The disease can be of two types: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs due to occlusion of cerebral blood vessels by thrombus or cholesterol plaques, which disrupts blood flow and leads to necrosis of brain tissue. Hemorrhagic stroke is characterized by bleeding in the vessels of the brain, which affects certain areas of the brain.
"Symptoms of a pre-stroke condition in men include frequent dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, psycho-emotional disturbances, change in facial skin color, tinnitus and insomnia, - explains Yablonsky. "That's why it's very important not to ignore these symptoms, because even minor signs can lead to serious consequences."
When a stroke has already happened, new symptoms appear, such as weakness in the limbs, severe headache, "distortion" of the facial muscles, problems with speech, coordination of movements, orientation in space, focusing the gaze and swallowing. But timely treatment and proper treatment can save lives.
"Regardless of the cause of stroke, rehabilitation is an integral part of treatment, - adds the doctor. — Rehabilitation measures help restore motor functions, speech, and also include psychological assistance and measures to prevent repeated strokes. "Our Care" center offers complex rehabilitation after a stroke, which contributes to the maximum restoration of lost functions and improvement of patients' quality of life."
In order for rehabilitation after a stroke to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to properly organize the initial stage of the recovery process. The first step after the stabilization of the patient's condition is a consultation with a qualified doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine. The doctor will assess the person's physical and neurological condition, determine the degree of functional impairment and possible risks. Based on this assessment, the doctor will offer recommendations and determine which types of rehabilitation measures will be most effective in a specific case.
"Early start of rehabilitation is critically important for improving treatment results. The earlier you start treatment, the higher the chances of restoring lost functions and minimizing the long-term consequences of a stroke." — emphasized Oleksiy Yablonskyi.
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