In a comment to the "ElitExpert" information agency, the medical director of the "Nasha Turbota" Rehabilitation Center Oleksiy Yablonsky noted how the right choice of a physical rehabilitation center is critically important for effective recovery after injuries, operations and serious illnesses.
"Our physical rehabilitation center "Nasha Turbota" was created to maximize the return of patients to their usual way of life. Modern rehabilitation methods are used here, which include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, balance therapy, interactive computerized classes and other methods that have proven their effectiveness in numerous studies. In our center, each patient receives an individual approach to treatment, — stressed Oleksiy Yablonskyi. — The beginning is always a consultation of a rehabilitation specialist. And only after studying the patient's situation, an individual rehabilitation plan is drawn up, which takes into account all the features of his condition."
At the "Our Care" center, only individualized rehabilitation programs with clearly defined goals are used. This approach has proven its effectiveness and is used in the best clinics in the world. It involves adaptation to the needs of a specific patient, taking into account the specifics of his disease, concomitant diseases, age, lifestyle, and other factors.
"For example, rehabilitation after a spinal fracture requires an individualized approach and a plan that is developed by several specialists and regularly checked for effectiveness," said the doctor. "It is also very important to make timely corrections, if necessary."
Professionalism, comprehensiveness and systematicity of measures in the rehabilitation center "Nasha Turbota" ensure high results. High-quality physical rehabilitation consolidates the results of treatment, contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient and his return to an active, full-fledged and mobile life.
"Physical rehabilitation for a compression fracture of the spine, for example, helps patients not to lose physical condition and speed up recovery," added Oleksiy Yablonskyi. "At the same time, the absence and untimeliness of rehabilitation can nullify all treatment efforts and worsen a person's condition."
Summarizing, Oleksiy Yablonsky noted that every day is important, so you should not delay consulting with a doctor to determine the optimal rehabilitation program.
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