Rating agency ElitExpert presents new rating, which opens the veil over the finances and assets of all heads of communities of the Odesa region. We analyzed the declarations for 2023 of the heads of 91 united territorial communities of Odesa, including mayors and heads of village councils, in order to present a complete picture of their incomes and assets.
Our rating is divided into four main blocks, each of which is dedicated to different aspects of the financial situation of the top executives.
The first block is Wages. This section shows which of the heads of villages, towns and cities of Odesa receive the highest salaries and whether they are always correlated with the importance of the entrusted community.
The second block is Personal savings. This section of the rating is based on the amount of savings of each of the officials, according to the data submitted by them in their declarations.
The third block — Land plots. This category included information on the number of land plots owned by community leaders and their families, emphasizing their status as large landowners.
The fourth block is Real Estate. Here, the participants were ranked by the total number of properties that were recorded for each participant in the rating.
This ranking is not just numbers and names, but an opportunity to look behind the scenes of government and understand how resources are distributed and how it affects the lives of each of us. At the same time, it is important to note that the information presented below is far from complete, because it is no secret for anyone that children, godmothers, ex-wives, mothers-in-law and other relatives are not included in the declaration - and most often, the main assets of officials are recorded on them.
He took first place in the ranking Sergey Udalov, head of the Black Sea Settlement Council, who earned a record 2023 million 1 hryvnias as a salary for 396. He heads the Black Sea Village Council (aka Chabanka), located on the "golden" Odesa coast, and Udalov himself has been managing the village without change for 809 years.
The chairman took the second place in the rating Shiryaivska OTG Viktor Polyuganich, who earned 1 million 265 thousand 75 hryvnias for the year. It is noteworthy that the receipt of such a large amount was not prevented even by the fact that during the year, in connection with court cases, the actual head of the OTG in the status of acting was a completely different person.
He is at the third level of the highest officials Lyudmila Prokopechko, head of the Dobroslav settlement council. Despite the provinciality, the small size of the OTG entrusted to her, and the inability to boast of super incomes, in 2023 Prokopechko did not deprive herself of salary and earned 1 million 236 thousand 225 UAH.
Located on the fourth line Timur Khasaev, head of the Tairov settlement council with an income of UAH 1. This is a nearby suburb of Odessa, which directly borders the city. The son of the former head of the village council, Khasan Khasayev, who died in 168, was recently featured in numerous media reports accusing him of receiving large bonuses, almost double his salary, for many months in a row.
He took fifth place in the ranking Vitaly Grazhdan, chairman of the city council of Belgorod-Dnistrovskyi, with an annual income of 1 million 150 337 hryvnias. Citizen is known not only for his income, but also for his regular participation in fights. He fights with opponents, with deputies and even resolves conflicts with teenagers in a local park.
Serhiy Palamarchuk, head of the Kuyalnytsia Village Council, was on the sixth level of the rating with an income of UAH 952.
Andriy Apanasenko from the Karolina-Bugaz village council took seventh place, earning UAH 2023 in 951. The official manages a large resort, the budget of which before the war "swollen" year after year due to the large influx of tourists.
She was in eighth place in the rating Natalia Krupytsia, head of the Fontana village council with an asset of UAH 867. The rural council subordinate to it is also located along the Odesa coast, so it is extremely popular for investors, and the head of OTG is a frequent heroine of scandalous publications in the press.
Oleg Belous, the head of Oknyansk OTG, took the ninth place with an income of UAH 845. Note that the village is located in the hinterland of the region with all the accompanying problems for the population and has always been subsidized. Moreover, such a high salary of his manager is amazing.
He got the tenth place in the rating Valery Stoilaki, head of the Vizyr village council with annual earnings of UAH 805. This is a rich OTG, which includes a private TIS port.
He settled on the 11th degree Sava Chernev, head of the Tarutyn settlement counciland who earned UAH 785. OTG is located in the center of Bessarabia with its fertile lands, and Cherniv itself is a large landowner.
When composing of the second rating block, dedicated to the monetary accumulation of the heads of the OTG in Odesa, we came across an interesting observation. It turned out that the list of people who have the largest monetary savings practically does not overlap with the top ten ranking of the highest salaries.
The fact that the people who have the highest incomes from their positions are not always the richest shows that the main assets of some officials have completely different sources, which are not directly related to their official incomes.
It is also worth considering that the savings of officials can be the result of long-term accumulation of funds, while salaries are a more dynamic indicator that is subject to changes from year to year and depends on the current political situation and budget constraints.
The first place in the TOP-10 ranking of the richest heads of OTG of the Odesa region was taken Andriy Abramchenko, head of the Izmail City Council, whose assets are estimated at 31 million 684 thousand 418 hryvnias.
It is on the second level of the rating Gennady Trukhanov, head of the Odesa City Council with savings in the amount of 28 million 926 thousand 457 hryvnias.
The third line was occupied Vasyl Gulyaev, chairman of the Black Sea City Council, whose treasure is 13 million 639 thousand 952 hryvnias.
The fourth place is taken Valentin Skalozub, head of the Divisional OTG, which keeps 7 million 455 thousand hryvnias.
He took fifth place Viktor Lobach, head of the Ivanovo settlement council, with savings in the amount of 6 million 326 thousand 15 hryvnias.
In sixth place Sergey Lupashko, head of the Kodim city council, whose assets are estimated at 5 million 333 thousand hryvnias.
Takes the seventh place Yuriy Makoveychuk from the Usativ village council, who has savings of 4 million 60 thousand hryvnias.
The eighth line was occupied Ivan Baturin, the head of the Velikoploskov village council, with savings in the amount of 3 million 683 thousand 500 hryvnias.
Ninth place in Volodymyr Novatskyi, chairman of the Yuzhne City Council, which keeps 3 million 383 thousand 853 hryvnias.
And in tenth place Dmytro Cerna from the Dolyna village council with savings in the amount of 3 million 98 thousand 300 hryvnias.

During assembly of the third block of the rating, dedicated to the volume of land plots owned by officials of the Odesa region, experts discovered another interesting trend. In contrast to the previous blocs, where the mayors of large cities and towns dominated, among the owners of the largest land areas, the so-called latifundists, there were exclusively heads of rural communities.
This is easily explained. First, rural areas have traditionally included large tracts of land used for agricultural activities, which are a key industry in rural areas. The heads of the village councils who manage these territories often have access to land resources, which allows them to dispose of large plots of land.
Second, land in rural areas tends to have a lower value compared to urban land, making it possible to acquire and manage larger land areas.
So, the first place in the rating of land plots owned by the heads of OTS of the Odesa region was taken by Volodymyr Kurko, head of Yaskiv village council, which owns 1870411 square meters. m. of land (187,04 hectares).
Located on the second line Dmytro Cerna, head of the Dolyna village council with 1228072 sq. m. m. (122,81 hectares), which also took tenth place in the ranking of accumulations.
Third place in Ivan Baturin, head of Velikoploskiv OTG, which owns 590319 sq. m. (59,03 ha).
Fourth place in Sava Cherneva from the Tarutyn settlement council with a land area of 509 square meters. m. (786 ha). He also ranked 50,98th in salary and 11th in savings.
The fifth place belongs Peter Boychev, head of Vasylivska village council, which has 472 sq. m. m of land (817 ha).
Sixth place in Yury Tyshchenko, head of the Ananyiv OTG, which owns land with a total area of 396 square meters. m. (559 ha).
Takes the seventh place Oleksandr Romanov, the head of the Pavlov village council, which owns 353 square meters. m. (812 ha). He also took 35,38th place in the accumulation rating.
Eighth place in Valentina Tymchuk from Novokalchevsk village council, which owns 288 square meters. m. (765 ha).
Ninth place belongs Lyudmila Cheban, the head of the Velikomykhailiv settlement council of 203 sq. m. m. (085 hectares) of land plots.
And closes ten "latifundists" Mykola Burdyuzha, who heads the Staromayakiv OTG. He also owns 20,31 hectares of land.

В this block we counted all the square meters belonging to the heads of communities of the Odesa region, according to their declarations, so it includes both residential (houses, apartments) and commercial real estate (garages, warehouses, hangars, etc.).
On the first line of the list is Oleksandr Afanasyev from the Stryukiv village council, which owns 5699 square meters of residential and commercial real estate.
It follows Valentin Skalozub from the Divisional Village Council with an area of 5628 square meters. The city of Skalozub also participated in the rating of land plots.
He took third place Oleg Albanskyi, head of the Podilsk City Council, with 4805 square meters. real estate m.
Takes the fourth position Oleksandr Romanov from Pavlovska village council, which owns 4127 square meters. m., and was mentioned in the accumulation rating.
Viktor Lobach from the Ivanovo settlement council is in fifth place with 2310 sq. m. real estate m. Lobach was also present in the salary rating and savings rating.
Takes sixth place Nadia Klimanova from Uspenivska village council from 1972 sq. m.
Seventh place in Dmytro Cerna from the Dolyna village council from 1878 sq. Tserna took 10th place in the rating of accumulations and 2nd place in the rating of land plots.
Oleg Belous, head of the Oknyan settlement council ranks eighth with 1853 square meters. m.
It is in ninth place Oleg Nimachuk from Mologivska village council, which owns 1599 sq. real estate m.
Rounding out the top 10 Oleksandr Gvozdik from Andriyevo-Ivanivska village council with ownership in the amount of 1540 sq. m. m. residential and commercial real estate.
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