On August 30, LLC "State Land Bank" announced on Prozorro.Sales the first 16 auctions for the lease of state agricultural land.
About this informed Vitaliy Koval, head of the State Property Fund.
We are talking about land plots in the Vinnytsia region with a total area of 1075 hectares.
According to the report, by the end of the year, the FSMU plans to put almost 100 hectares of state agricultural land in 20 regions of Ukraine on electronic auctions.
The area of plots varies from 1 to 4000 hectares. Each plot of land is put up for online auction as a separate lot.
The starting price at the auction is 12% of the regulatory monetary value of the land.
The winner will receive the right to lease for a period of up to 14 years for annual plantations or up to 25 years for perennials, paying a sublease fee for one year in advance.
The fund expects to receive up to UAH 1 billion from the lease of the first 100 hectares, and after all 000 hectares of state land are transferred to it, the amount may increase to UAH 800 billion.
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